Another world: A crack addict gives bread to another in the surroundings as the clean-up of crack addicts takes its toll
Days after police stormed one of Rio de Janeiro's most dangerous shantytowns to seize back territory long held by a powerful drug dealing organization, city health and welfare workers are working to ease the despair and devastation left behind among hundreds of crack cocaine addicts suddenly without drugs.
Since Sunday, when more than 2,000 heavily armed officers stormed into the Manguinhos and Jacarezinho complexes, crews working with police support by Wednesday had rounded up 231 crack users, and another 67 who had migrated elsewhere looking for the drug.
The area had been Rio's biggest open-air crack market, known as 'cracolandia,' or 'crackland,' where hundreds of users bought the drug, consumed it and lingered in shacks and on blankets, picking through trash for recyclables to sell so they could buy more.
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Clean-up: Social workers carry a crack addict during an operation to take addicts out from the streets, in the surroundings of Parque Uniao slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Sad: A suspected crack user who was feeling ill cries out in pain as she is carried by a social worker to a waiting van

Blighted youth? Could this be a young victim of the drug cycle in Rio?

Time to move on: Municipal agents talk to a man, who agents say is a suspected crack user, during the operation

Needy: The worry now is that these crack addicts will spread to other areas of Rio in their search for drugs

What now? A suspected crack user will have to find new ways to fund his habit after police stormed 'crackland'

Pain: A social worker coaxes a suspected crack user who is seeking sick, into being taken to a nearby shelter

Leave me be: A suspected crack user sleeps undisturbed atop a shower curtain at a local "crackland," while social workers roundup other suspected addicts

Chilled out: This crack user, is either well under the influence or too relaxed
